Everyone seems to get it except for the people that can actually make the changes that need to be made.
Yesterday when the head of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan Gen. Stanley McChrystal said, "The situation in Afghanistan is serious, but success is achievable and demands a revised implementation strategy, commitment and resolve, and increased unity of effort," it is hard not to blurt out, "You fucking liar!"
Of course, one could respond, "You delusional twit!" and perhaps that is more appropriate. Maybe McChrystal isn't really lying so much as he just doesn't have a clue. He's so deep in the game that he is completely polluted with military fantasies that he just can't think or see straight.
But what about Obama? What is his excuse? Isn't Barack Obama Mr. Brilliant - the Change we can believe in? Where is the change in sending 14,000 more "trigger-pullers" (read: blood-spillers, future PTSD sufferers) to bolster the already 65,000+ U.S. troops in Afghanistan?
Day by day, BHO's war policy is looking more and more like our old friend GWB's. And like Bush, Obama is proving to be a "uniter, not a divider."
Just look at the unity his misguided Afghanistan policy has engendered, bringing together such diverse voices as two polar opposites -- staid, conservative columnist George Will on one end, and on the other, independent Nir Rosen. Today they both came to a similar conclusion in their respective forums: the U.S.. should get out of Afghanistan.
As George Will wrote in a column in the Washington Post today, "Genius, said de Gaulle...sometimes consists of knowing when to stop. Genius is not required to recognize that in Afghanistan, when means now, before more American valor... is squandered."
Nir Rosen, coming from a very different background and political philosophy basically arrives at the same, or a similar conclusion : it is time to get out of Afghanistan, or rather, the time has long since passed and staying longer will only bring more needles bloodshed on all sides.
Today on Democracy Now! Rosen said, "In terms of the actual [U.S.] goal, they’ve said that it’s preventing al-Qaeda from using Afghanistan as a base. How do you get there? They haven’t yet managed to explain that. In fact, al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was destroyed following September 11, and they’re based on the internet, they’re based all over the world. They’re based—it’s an ideology."
The callous disregard for human life and utterly squandered resources is not only criminal, it is immoral and just plain stupid. Like watching a caged animal try to break through the same barrier again and again, seemingly never realizing that it is just repeatedly making the same mistake, we must endure the foolish, criminal behavior of the United States government and military as they try in vain to convince us or themselves or someone, that they really are doing the right thing.
In fact, the opposite is true. McChrystal, Sec. Gates, Obama and the rest are no better than the last bunch we just got rid of. After all, a shit sandwich in a pretty new wrapper with the words "100% Natural! Organic!" is really still just a shit sandwich.
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