If you are reading this post, than there is a very good chance that you, like me, are concerned that our country has been hijacked from the inside by a FOREIGNER. This is not just alarming, it is downright terrifying. Downright.
Increasingly, foreigners are everywhere, from our convenient stores and our Wal-marts to our churches, gun shops, hospitals, schools, and even government buildings. As CNN's Lou Dobbs has pointed out, our borders are porous and woefully inadequate at keeping the foreigners out of this Great Land.
Recently, more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that were it not for America and the efforts of our brave men and women in uniform, the whole world would be engulfed in a sea of foreign-ness. Imagine a world in which no one spoke English, used the Dollar, read the Bible or protect our right to bear arms!
Now, imagine what will happen if we don't insist on getting to the bottom of Barack Obama's so-called "birth certificate." Chaos and pandemonium can only be days away.
Having said that, I am also wrestling with a couple of disturbing discoveries. More and more, I am beginning to harbor deep suspicions that Queen of the Birthers, and respected attorney/dentist/pundit/freedom defender Orly Taitz may herself be of foreign origin. I'm not quite sure why, but I can't help but wonder...
More troubling, however, is this authentic document that was recently uncovered on the Internets which seems to indicate, possibly even prove, that Lou Dobbs himself was born in Kenya to an unwed, underage girl from Texas and a Saudi-born muzzein at a mosque in Kenya. This document shows clearly that Dobbs was born in an African mosque stairwell to a foreigner, and so he too must be foreign. Troubling, I know...

Lou Dobbs himself appears to have been born in the stairwell of
an African mosque to a Saudi father.
an African mosque to a Saudi father.
Worse still are the revelations I uncovered in revisiting my own son's birth. Although I was there in the delivery room on that Saturday in October 2004 when my son was delivered from his mother's womb, and although I watched the nurses clean my newborn son and let me cut the umbilical cord, I have good reason to suspect he too may be a foreigner.

"Fooled at birth?" documents can be forged, doctors can be bribed...
how can I be sure my "Hawaiian-born" son is not a foreigner?
how can I be sure my "Hawaiian-born" son is not a foreigner?
Shocking, I know, but when I dug out his "birth certificate," I found that it looked identical to the one the Obama regime insists is American. Both Obama and my son have a foreign-born parent and both claim to have been born in the United States yet neither can produce anything more convincing than an "official document" issued by the State of Hawaii which has been stamped, dated, certified and signed.
Until now I had no reason to suspect my own son might too be foreign, but the evidence continues to mount. This week I also found a Japanese passport with my son's own photo and name clearly displayed on the first inside page. My son frequently uses non-English words like "asobu," "oshikko" and "choudai" - clearly a sign of foreign-ness. Although just going into kindergarden, he can point out Senegal, Pakistan and China on a world map and knows that Russia has bears and Australia has kangaroos. Clearly, something is amiss.
What's left for me to believe other than my own son, claiming to have been born in America, while flaunting a Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth," is nothing but a foreigner, and a deceptive one at that.
He, like Obama, is tainted with non-American blood, and perhaps both of them are conspiring to tear this nation apart at this very moment.
These are indeed troubling revelations.
could also be a terrorist.
ReplyDeleteEven more troubling - after we get past all this birther stuff - how will we deal with the after-birthers?
My god, will digging a hole and planting a tree be enough, or might we have to resort to after-birther-helper, fry it up, and choke it down? Frankly, i am confused - confused and terra-fied.
I know from readin the history books that Merica is a land settled by four-ners, and and founded by four-fathers. Now my favorite number is 256, no fours there, so you think i might be safe, but look more closely: 2+5+6= 13, and 1+3=4!
Plus, also, i did not know this until my "Texas Instuments" (once a fourine country, still flying the flag with their fourine star) calculator showd me 256 in exponential notation is actually 4 to the 4th! Shockingly fourin!
And in Arabic numerals! This couldn't be more palin (er plain) if i wrote it out in English, also a four-in tongue. Is there no end to the citizenship rabit hole?
Which leads me to my actual question - who cares? What is citizenship really all about? Is it a quality or criteria that means you have to treat a someone like a full-fledged human beaing, and that you are not aloud to 'cut corners' and say string up up, cheat em and take their stuff away?
For example, Germany in the 30's was very focused on citizen ship status. They were very careful and legalistic to first strip the citizenship of large classes of people, and only then, round them up in trains, ship them to nasty places, give them ugly pajamas, kill them, then turn them into lamp-shades. Can't do that with citizens.
Citizens you must be decent to. Non-citizens, you can conduct horific experiments on... perhaps its time we eliminate citizen-ship and non-citizen-ship and just treat all people like fullfledged huma beings.
Maybe the notion of the nation-state that allows legally nasty things to be OK is no longer providing a service to humanity and should be tossed onto the dungheap of history, and we should step up to the next level of recognizing the humanity of us all.
Might be a nice thing to do before we pull the plug on ourselves and half the other species on the planet. That way the dolphins, cockroaches and fruitflies can look back at us with some fondness after we are gone.
just a thought.